Fixed issue in UI lfd Stats. Note: The lfd stats data file has been renamed from /var/lib/csf/stats/lfdmain to /var/lib/csf/stats/lfdstats Additionally, the stats for 2016-12-31 will reset to 0 due to this bug
Corrected text in readme.txt
Added new csf CLI cluster option: -ctd, –ctempdeny ip ttl [-p port] [-d direction] [comment]
This sends a temporary deny request to the cluster
Added new csf CLI cluster option: -cta, –ctempallow ip ttl [-p port] [-d direction] [comment]
This sends a temporary allow request to the cluster
Added new csf CLI cluster option: -cg, –cgrep ip
This requests the –grep output for [ip] from each cluster member
Modified cluster requests to respond with an acknowledgment to the sender
Modified –cdeny [ip] and –callow [ip] to include optional comment
Added separate tab for Cluster options in UI if enabled and added new cluster temp allow/deny commands to UI
Modified Port Scan Tracking. UDP packets destined for the network broadcast address(es) will now be ignored in Port Scan Tracking unless BRD is added to PS_PORTS. The broadcast address(es) include the those listed in IP or IFCONFIG plus the default ( unless one of the servers IPs
Added new feature: PT_USERRSS. This User Process Tracking option sends an alert if any user process exceeds the RSS memory limit set – RAM used, not virtual. PT_USERRSS is set to 256 (MB) and PT_USERMEM is now set to 512 (MB) by default on new installations. On existing installs PT_USERRSS is set to the same value as PT_USERMEM
Major New Feature: End-User cPanel MailControl. This feature enables end-users access to a limited MailControl interface from within the cPanel MSFE UI. See MSFE > Front-End Settings > End-User Settings > for settings and more information
End-User settings are now controlled on an “inherit from default” basis allowing more granular control of user settings
New MailControl setting: Mail Release (direct) allows emails to be placed directly into the specified local email accounts INBOX on the server, bypassing exim for instant delivery
Modified display Client IP column option in main table to work with SQLite driver, however column sort is not available unless using a MySQL driver
Added clientip index to the SQLite schema
MailWatch Asynchronous MySQL replaced with a combined MailControl Asynchronous MySQL driver. The forked process is now called “MailScanner: MailControl”
Modified quarantine directory structure detection to fail (i.e. disable –quarantine [dir]) if using an invalid directory instead of attempting to convert it