Fixed Forget and Block IP modals displaying framed output in WHM MailControl
Ensure session is cleared after encountering an error in WHM MailControl
Ensure offset is reset on new Search in WHM and cPanel MailControl
Prevent installer from overwriting mslang.txt
Added new feature – multi-language support for the End-User UI. By default, the end-user MSFE UI defaults to using /usr/mscpanel/mslang.txt. If language specific files are created using /usr/mscpanel/ where cc is taken from the cPanel locale, then that language file will be used instead. This way multiple languages can be supported
Added Blacklist/Whitelist buttons to email view in WHM MailControl for From address
Converted cPanel UI to use cPanel UAPI instead of the deprecated Api1
Added new MailControl setting to allow the Search Messages box to always show at the top of the page
Added new MailControl setting to allow the Bulk Actions box to always show at the bottom of the page
MESSENGERV2: Take a copy of the live certs and keys and use these in csf.messenger.conf to work around changing filenames for keys and certs when they are regenerated which causes httpd to fail. This is done each time lfd restarts
Added CLI option csf –mregen: MESSENGERV2 /etc/apache2/conf.d/csf_messenger.conf regeneration. This will also gracefully restart httpd
Modified and simplified output to use both top-level and LocationMatch wildcard SecRuleRemoveById statements to cover both types of rule. Existing conf files are only updated once they have been changed via the UI
Added warning to files that cmc creates to not modify them manually and then use cmc, as they will be overwritten
Removed old migration code
Updated cPanel Documentation URL in Help to point to EA4 information