
New csf v14.15


  • Fixed regression issue with logfile regexes
  • Implemented an improved email wrapper

New osm v2.04


  • Fixed issue with using Text::Wrap

New MSFE v9.14


  • Fixed issue with using Text::Wrap

New csf v14.14


  • Fixed issue with using Text::Wrap

New cxs v13.06


  • Fixed issue with using Text::Wrap

New osm v2.03


  • Use Text::Wrap to ensure email line lengths are within specifications

New MSFE v9.13


  • If “Display Client IP column with sort” is enabled in MailControl, digest fields will show the Client IP under the From field
  • If “Always launch message View Details in new window” is enabled, also launch “Search Messages > Email ID” in a new window
  • Use Text::Wrap to ensure email line lengths are within specifications for digest emails
  • Switch from check_cpanel_rpms to check_cpanel_pkgs when checking rpms on cPanel servers

New cxs v13.05


  • Use Text::Wrap to ensure email line lengths are within specifications

New csf v14.13


  • Added inline pid match to all system regexes to cater for logging changes
  • Use Text::Wrap to ensure email line lengths are within specifications
  • Updated dovecot log regexes to support the changed format in v2.3.15+

New csf v14.12


  • Added cPanel SaaS servers to cpanel.allow
  • Added a fix for RHEL v8 processes that were reporting excessive null or whitespace characters at the end of /prod/[pid]/cmdline. This is turn meant that such processes (e.g. spamd on cPanel servers) subverted some entries in csf.pignore
  • Updated systemd entries in csf.logignore for RHEL v8+
  • Updated dovecot log regexes to support the changed format in v2.3.15+
  • Modify LookUpIP to hopefully account for data inconsistencies from Maxmind