New csf v4.11


  • Fixed addition of exe:/usr/libexec/hald-addon-keyboard to csf.pignore for existing installations
  • Modified the calculation for the position of LOCALOUTPUT in the OUTPUT chain
  • Added /etc/cron.d/ to restart lfd daily
  • Added exe:/usr/libexec/dovecot/imap and exe:/usr/libexec/dovecot/pop3 and exe:/usr/sbin/mysqld_safe to csf.pignore
  • Modified SCRIPT_ALERT regex to cope with exim log format changes in FC8+
  • As per RFC5322, adding port 587 to the default TCP_IN list of ports for new installations (i.e. it is now recommended for SMTP servers to offer port 587 access for MUA to MTA traffic rather than port 25 which is for MTA to MTA traffic)
  • Added informational text to Process Tracking email report if a process is running an executable that has been deleted
  • Added csf version to the daemon startup log line in lfd.log