
New MailScanner Front-End v4.54


  • Fix a problem with theme integration caused by cPanel breaking things in v11.46 and not bothering to release code to EDGE first for testing

New csf v7.56


  • Fixed issue with Restricted UI item sanity checks failing
  • Modified LF_CSF on cPanel servers to detect a change in the cPanel version and then trigger a restart of ConfigServer scripts (lfd, MailScanner cxs Watch). Restart triggers are limited to every 12 hours and will only trigger if upcp is not running

cPanel v11.46 and MailScanner

With the release of cPanel v11.46, changes in the cPanel provided Perl environment may cause problems with email delivery immediately following the upgrade. To resolve the problem all that should be required is a restart of MailScanner. This can be done either from within the WHM MailScanner UI or from the root shell with:

/etc/init.d/MailScanner restart

Check /var/log/maillog to ensure emails are processing afterwards. This should only occur on time after the initial upgrade into cPanel v11.46.

To pre-empt the issue, you could add the above command to /scripts/postupcp

ClamAV 0.98.2 (withdrawn)

ClamAV have rather unceremoniously yanked their last update and deleted their blog posts and changelog for it. We’ve downgraded our installer to the previous version. People should probably downgrade back to 0.98.1 to avoid any issues.

New MailScanner Script v2.92


  • Added daily cron job to perform maintenance on the SpamAssassin Bayes Database
  • On uninstall, if MSFE installed, automatically uninstall that first
  • Modified to always include the hostname