ConfigServer Services Blog

New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v9.02


  • Added new BETA feature: Digest Emails. If enabled, users can configure a Digest Email per domain within their account that includes a summary of all Low Spam, High Spam, Blacklisted and Infected email. This is of particular use to users using the SpamBox and/or MailControl features. See the MSFE Front-End Settings page in the UI for more info
  • Add non-alphanumeric character to SQL db user password on new installs
  • Fixed issue with string escaping for URI’s in MailControl. Uses the perl module URI::Escape
  • Update with MySQL credentials code from

New cxs v12.03


  • DirectAdmin moved from BETA to RELEASE for RHEL/CentOS/CL
  • Added new option –vmmax [kB]. This will abort a scan if the VmRSS size of the process exceeds this value to prevent memory exhaustion. By default it is set to 2000000 kB = 2GB
  • Modified cxs reputation reporting to prevent overloading
  • Improved DA session checking
  • Added -u to unzip UI commands
  • Protect from logarithm divide by 0 error
  • Improved DA UI display

New csf v14.03


  • Updated DSHIELD blocklist to use https
  • Updated Server Check PHP EOL information
  • Improved DA session checking
  • Improved DA Server Check report
  • Modified cpanel.comodo.allow and cpanel.comodo.ignore with an additional IP address
  • MESSENGERv3 now out of BETA testing
  • Added UDP ports 80 and 443 to UDP_IN/UDP6_IN for new installations to support QUIC/HTTP3
  • Modified DA regex for Roundcube v1.4+
  • Modified DIRECTADMIN_LOG_R to point to /var/www/html/roundcube/logs/errors.log for Roundcube v1.4+ by default on new installs and change for old installs if not already set
  • Added a new DA regex for phpMyAdmin
  • Modified iframe resizer on DA, thank you to Martynas @ DirectAdmin
  • Updated Integrated User Interface documentation to point to the latest Apache docs
  • Added newly generated self-signed keys for lfd UI
  • Updated Server Report descriptions for cPanel
  • Updated Server Report for systemd processes
  • Added back cPanel update check to the Server Report now that it has been reinstated by cPanel
  • Removed outdated Server Report checks

New osm v1.25


  • Added configuration option for packet scanning ports. This can be modified if desired, provided the implications are understood
  • Fixed UI help html
  • Added a read timeout to the pcap_open_live function to reduce timeout polling and to buffer multiple packets for processing
  • Fixed issue with the UI upgrade not returning correctly leading to a blank page
  • Convert UI to use the csget mechanism for checking new versions

New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v9.01


  • Modified to better determine MySQL credentials and prevent exposing those credentials
  • Run /usr/msfe/ at the end of the installation process
  • Convert MSFE UI to use the csget mechanism for checking new versions
  • On DirectAdmin add MailScanner to Service List
  • Fixed DirectAdmin admin UI display issues
  • Fixed end user UI display issues
  • Fixed end user UI perl module installation on DirectAdmin that could use the incorrect package name

New cmq v3.02


  • Fixed local domain detection on cPanel
  • Added support for Exim named queues method for MailScanner when using MSFE
  • Added ignore SIGPIPE
  • Improved DA session checking

New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v9.00


  • Added BETA support for DirectAdmin on RHEL/CentOS/CL v7 and v8. This only uses the new Exim named queue method which requires Exim v4.93+
  • Added support for SpamBox delivery to <mailbox>.spam folder (SpamBox) on cPanel and DirectAdmin
  • Added support for Exim named queue method for MailScanner. Targeted, better use of resources, independent of cPanel configuration. Not all outgoing email scanned or logged to mailcontrol. Requires Exim v4.93+
  • Added MySQL v8.0 support
  • RHEL/CentOS/CL v8.1 OS support
  • Removed use of Mail::Sender as it is now deprecated
  • Moved /usr/mscpanel to /usr/msfe (symlink added for backwards compatibility)
  • MailControl UI now performs to/from sorts by domain and then email address rather than just email address

New MailScanner Installer (msinstall) v5.00


  • Added BETA support for DirectAdmin on RHEL/CentOS/CL v7 and v8. This application will NOT function on DirectAdmin servers without our MailScanner Front-End product
  • Update MailScanner code from v5.3.3 source and apply WTTW fixups
  • Added support for new Exim named queues method for MailScanner when using MSFE – requires Exim v4.93+
  • RHEL/CentOS/CL v8.1 OS support
  • Moved /usr/mscpanel to /usr/msfe (symlink added for backwards compatibility)
  • Renamed /usr/msfe/ to /usr/msfe/ (symlink added for backwards compatibility)
  • Added run of and sa-update to mailscanner_daily.cron

Coming Soon…

Wondering what we’re currently developing?

We are getting close to releasing new versions of our MailScanner installer and MailScanner Front-End. This will include:

  1. The latest version of MailScanner from source with our tweaks
  2. Spambox support (spam is delivered to the users Spam subfolder) which is enabled for the installation, plus on a per domain basis by the user
  3. DirectAdmin beta support, this includes installing MailScanner plus our Admin and end-User UI’s
  4. New exim integration for cPanel (and required for DirectAdmin) using Exims Named Queues. This allows for a very simple Exim integration which only scans relayed SMTP email. This reduces server load and can improve stability because: It only requires a single exim process, rather than the current two; only SMTP email is scanned (not outgoing via the exim binary); does not rely on Control Panel integration setup for Exim
  5. MySQL v8 support
  6. RHEL/CentOS/CL v8 support

The development work has been completed, testing and bug fixing is currently in progress and we’re hoping to release by the end of this month.