ConfigServer Services Blog

New csf v10.24


  • On webmin servers, added csf.body file to UI skinning (STYLE_CUSTOM). See readme.txt for more information

New cxs v6.991


  • Fixed issue when using a cxs.bayes.local database which caused cxswatch to reload the bayes database repeatedly
  • Additions to Script Version Scanning

New cxs v6.99


  • New BETA feature: IP Reputation System. The system provides a variety of IP blocklists gathered from information that is submitted by participating servers. This dual aspect provides the information to help protect the server using the reputation from active attacks. See POD under “IP Reputation System” for more information
  • Added URI::Escape as a required module

New csf v10.23


  • On cPanel servers, ensure that the csf driver for WHM is removed on uninstall
  • Added hooks for upcoming cxs IP Reputation Service
  • On non-cPanel servers, added csf.htmltag and csf.bodytag files to UI skinning (STYLE_CUSTOM). See readme.txt for more information
  • MESSENGERV2 released as stable on cPanel servers. This uses the Apache http daemon to provide the web service for MESSENGER HTML and HTTPS
  • Additions to csf.logignore on new installs
  • Added IPv6 support to BLOCKLISTS
  • Added Spamhaus DROPv6 and Stop Forum Spam IPv6 blocklists to csf.blocklists
  • Removed Spamcannibal and added from/to csf.rbls
  • Fixed issues with IPv6 rule creation attempts when IPV6 disabled
  • Automatically enable WAITLOCK on initial installation if supported

New csf v10.20


  • Prevent lfd logrotate from erroring if log files missing
  • Modified Apache ModSecurity regex to cater for changes in logging format on cPanel servers with ModSecurity v2.9.2
  • Modified Apache cxs regex to cater for changes in logging format on cPanel servers with
  • ModSecurity v2.9.2
  • Ensure destination files are owned by root during installation

New MailScanner Front-End (MSFE) v8.10


  • Fixed Forget and Block IP modals displaying framed output in WHM MailControl
  • Ensure session is cleared after encountering an error in WHM MailControl
  • Ensure offset is reset on new Search in WHM and cPanel MailControl
  • Prevent installer from overwriting mslang.txt
  • Added new feature – multi-language support for the End-User UI. By default, the end-user MSFE UI defaults to using /usr/mscpanel/mslang.txt. If language specific files are created using /usr/mscpanel/ where cc is taken from the cPanel locale, then that language file will be used instead. This way multiple languages can be supported
  • Added Blacklist/Whitelist buttons to email view in WHM MailControl for From address
  • Converted cPanel UI to use cPanel UAPI instead of the deprecated Api1
  • Added new MailControl setting to allow the Search Messages box to always show at the top of the page
  • Added new MailControl setting to allow the Bulk Actions box to always show at the bottom of the page

New csf v10.19


  • MESSENGERV2: Take a copy of the live certs and keys and use these in csf.messenger.conf to work around changing filenames for keys and certs when they are regenerated which causes httpd to fail. This is done each time lfd restarts
  • Added CLI option csf –mregen: MESSENGERV2 /etc/apache2/conf.d/csf_messenger.conf regeneration. This will also gracefully restart httpd